How to get canara bank customer id. find your customer id in canara online net banking at Five ways to find canara bank customer identification number in just a minute.
Canara Bank Customer ID

How to Find Canara Bank Customer ID
Canara bank is the fourth largest bank in India during 2022. After the merging of Manipal based Syndicate bank on 1st April 2020. Canara Bank is one of the largest public sector banks owned by the GOI. Its Headquarters located in Bengaluru. Canara Bank provides many facilities to its customers. Services like Savings, telebanking, Netbanking, and many more.
What is Canara Bank Customer ID?
Customers using telebanking and net banking are mostly familiar with the word Customer ID. The customerid is a unique number given to each customer of saving/current account in Canara bank. The customer identification number is a confidential 11 digit number. It shouldn’t be shared with others.
Why Banks Need Customer ID?
Customer ID will be useful for Canarabank to track transactions, Order processing, and risk profiling of customers. Consider a person who has multiple accounts in Canara Bank. However, the person will get assign with the same Customer ID. Customer id also used to transfer the canarabank account from one branch to another.
5 Ways to Get Canara Bank Customer ID
- Via Customer care
- Via bank passbook
- Canara bank Welcome letter
- Via Canara bank official website (Online)
- Via cheque book
1. Know Canara Bank Customer ID through Customer Care
Now you can know your Cust ID from anywhere. Just by calling Canara Bank customer care toll-free number: 1800-425-0018. As soon as, the call connects to the operator. You should raise an inquiry. The operator will ask you for some details like DOB, registered mobile number, account number, etc. After that, you will get your Customer ID to the registered mobile number.
2. How to find canara customer Identification number via passbook
Canara bank will give a passbook to its account holders. Passbook’s main purpose is for offline transactions at the home branch. It contains a Canara customerid. Along with the customer id, it contains more customer and bank details.
3. Canara Customer Identification Number in the Welcome Letter
When a customer opens an account in Canara bank. Bank will send a welcome letter to the customer. In every welcome letter, the bank will print the customer id in it.
4. Get Customer ID Via canara bank official website
Canara bank maintains an official web portal for internet banking services.
1. Navigate to the website
2. Log in to the website using Canara bank’s user id and password.
3. Go to the account statement option.
4. The account statement will load on-screen.
You can find your customer identification number on the first page under the customer details section.
5. Customer ID in Bank Cheque Book
Canara bank provides cheque transactions. Customers can apply and avail for cheque book. On every canarabank cheque book, Bank will print the account holder’s customer id.